The Name of Jesus

Too often overlooked or shied away from, the name of Jesus is vital. Without the name of Jesus, the nations have no hope (Matthew 12:20-22), Jesus doesn’t join us in our groups with his presence (Matthew 18:19-21). Without it we don’t have the “the right to become children of God” (John 1:11-13). There are so many benefits to this wonderful name—the list is long! The meaning of his name, whether pronounced as Yeshua, Jesus or Isa (or another language pronunciation), is “salvation” or “God saves” (Joshua). Don’t be afraid of using it, believing in it and walking in it. Some may be “scared away” by the name of Jesus but most long for what he offers. Without the name of Jesus, we are like the proverbial “emperor with no clothes”; we are without. I’ve painted the robe with Joseph’s “coat of many colors” in the back of my mind, which many scholars believe was a sign of authority. Followers of Jesus are sent forth in the authority of his name.